Hand Eye Society Ball 2018: Tickets On Sale!
Masque of the Blue Organ
…And one by one danced the revellers in the LED-bedecked halls of their revel, and button-mashed each in the delighting posture of their play. And N++ and Cuphead and Line Wobbler held illimitable dominion over all.
So ends one account of a legendary gathering known as the Hand Eye Society Ball, an annual celebration of contemporary videogames and playful media from Toronto and beyond. Acting as both fancy videogame party and fundraiser to support a local gaming arts organization, this particular enchanted evening holds some fresh mysteries in store: Four artifacts brought together by four strangers, all meeting on the fourth of a series of strange nights indeed. Diamonds and spades, hearts and clubs: What could be the meaning of these elusive allusions?
Documentation of the last three such occurrences — at the Art Gallery of Ontario in 2014, the Masonic Temple in 2015, and again in 2016 — are quick to mention that all of these events have sold out before the day of reckoning, so don’t delay in purchasing tickets! If you want to stay updated or share this event with others, subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, Facebook group, and Twitter. They say good things come to those who use the hashtag #HESBall18 to spread the word…
Ticket Info
[button size=’large’ style=” text=’Buy Tickets Here!’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://www.universe.com/events/hand-eye-society-ball-2018-a-fancy-videogame-party-tickets-toronto-XPHBZK’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
🔮 Regular ticket price: $25 🔮
✨ Hand Eye Society members get 25% off! ✨
A special promo code will be e-mailed to all currently active Monthly, Annual, and Volunteer Members with valid credit cards. Not a Member? Become one today!
🎉 BONUS: Free ticket to all NEW ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS! 🎉
Sign up for Annual here any time between now and Sept 21, and we will e-mail you to confirm your membership and free HES Ball ticket. Note: This offer applies only to new Annual memberships, not Monthly. This offer does not apply to student memberships.
All proceeds from the Hand Eye Society Ball fundraiser will go directly towards our year-round activities, including WordPlay, a festival celebrating writing and words in contemporary games; Camp Make-a-Game, for kids in underserved neighbourhoods around Toronto and the GTA; and our new 2019 programming theme, Play With Your Food, which will feature exhibits and workshops about playful media and the things we eat. The vast majority of our events are free and open to the public, and all contributions directly support our mission of exploring videogames as an art form and means of creative expression.
Event Details
A Fancy Videogame Party
Saturday, Sept 22 2018
918 Bathurst Centre for Culture, Arts, Media and Education
North of Bathurst Station
Facebook RSVP
*** This is a 19+ event. Please bring ID! ***
We regret to inform the community that this venue is not wheelchair-accessible due to many stairs. We have spoken with the venue director and they are planning to address this as soon as possible, so we hope that hosting the event there will contribute financially to the future accessibility of the space. If you are unable to participate in the Ball due to this barrier and wish to give feedback, please contact info@handeyesociety.com.

Photo credit: Gabby DaRienzo of Laundry Bear Games
Calling All Volunteers!
✨On-site volunteers get in free! ✨
[button size=’large’ style=” text=’Volunteer Form’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://goo.gl/forms/otjeTBDQOUGZs7qI2′ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
Before signing up, please also check the Public Volunteer Schedule to see which positions have been placed so that you all don’t sign up to be Line Wranglers or Ticket Takers at once. Your hours will go towards the 10 hours needed to earn a Volunteer Membership, which comes with the same perks as a paid membership. Most roles will be divided into shifts so you can enjoy the party!
Thanks to Our Sponsors!
Community Partners
Cool Office Friends (anonymous)
Lindy Wilkins
Many more contributors and full credits coming soon!
About the Poster Artist
Victor Martins is a trans illustrator who’s originally from Brazil and is now living in friggin Oakville, ON, of all places. He likes dogs and is mistrustful of birds. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram @cosmonautvico or get in touch at: vicomart3@gmail.com
About the Venue
A former Buddhist temple, 918 Bathurst is now a Centre for Culture, Arts, Media and Education in the Annex Neighbourhood as well as home to The Music Gallery. Artistic Director Daniela Nardi sees 918 Bathurst as an incubator for new and experimental projects in the city. It is equipped with a 200-seat theatre and visual arts gallery, but for one night, it will be the setting for a sumptuous night out of videogames, live music, and dancing. Dress up fancy, enjoy a curated selection of delightful and surprising games amidst music and mingling, and support your videogame arts not-for-profit at the same time!
Questions? Concerns? Comments? Contact the Hand Eye Society Ball Operations Team at ball@handeyesociety.com (Brendan Lehman, Amanda Wong, Alenn Predko, Sagan Yee, Ken Cho).