Looking To Make an Impact in Game Arts?

Hand Eye Society is a Toronto not-for-profit that showcases and nurtures videogames made primarily for creative expression. We run a variety of programming from festivals, residencies, workshops, and community spaces.

We are looking for an Executive Director for the next evolution of Hand Eye Society, working alongside staff and Board to continue the work of exploring and supporting videogames as an artistic practice. This position is only open to those located in the city of Toronto.

The Quick Stuff

  • Part-time employment contract with 3-month probationary period
  • Flexible working hours
  • Monthly hour expectations between 40-120 hours depending on availability and programming schedule
  • $25/h

All About You

  • Interested in the intersections between art, play, and games
  • Interested in building community and connections within game arts and related industries, both personally and on behalf of the organization
  • Familiar with game-making, startup studios, arts organizations, and not-for-profit structures
  • Familiar with the process of grant writing
  • Familiar with collaboration tools like Google Drive, Discord, and Slack
  • Comfortable managing multiple projects at the same time
  • Comfortable with conceiving and proposing new programming ideas


  • Organize and direct the organization’s daily operations
  • Supervise and support the organization’s staff to execute the shared vision of the organization
  • Plan the organization’s annual budget
  • Manage resources to safeguard the organization’s ongoing programming and strategic goals
  • Research and write project and operational grants
  • Manage budgets and reports for successful grants
  • Establish and maintain partnership and sponsor relations
  • Oversee outreach to new organizations and communities
  • Establish policies and procedures for day-to-day operations
  • Sign agreements, contracts, or other engagements on behalf of the organization
  • Communicate all information necessary for the Board to make decisions
  • Prepare, document, and run weekly staff meetings
  • Prepare, document, and run Board meetings as needed but at minimum once annually
  • Other duties as assigned by the Board

Feeling under qualified based on our descriptions? Feel free to reach out at board@handeyesociety.com to chat! If this is an area you’re passionate about we’re always interested in supporting and encouraging folks so we’d love to hear from you. Those historically marginalized in games are strongly encouraged to reach out and apply.