Happy BHM From Us at Hand Eye Society!
Hey, all! I can’t believe we’re in the second month of the year already! I feel like time has something against us or something. It’s so wild that the year 2023 is just rolling along and we just have to keep up! First thing’s first! For the next Hand Eye Society Mixtape we want to make a collection of games featuring Black developers so we can showcase their games! If that’s you or someone you know, you can fill in your info on the form right here for The Hand Eye Society Mixtape 7!
As for The Hand Eye Society Mixtape 6, we’ll be having more announcements about it soon (and there were some incredible games sent to us and we’re super excited!) so don’t touch that dial!
We also have two major workshops this month! Our super popular Grant Writing workshop, which is now monthly, as well as our Intro To Streaming workshop to teach you how to stream content, development and more!
We are working on more events to make Hand Eye Society events more social and welcoming within our Discord and we’ll share more news about that when the time is right also! We want to have a community where all comes together to talk about games and help each other reach our indie dev goals!
Thanks for kicking it with us so far, and we can’t wait to share more info on that front! See you soon! 🥰