FEST – Festival Engagement Software Template

FEST is our Festival Engagement Software Template, a Twine-based framework invented by the Hand Eye Society in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. With the closures of many public arts spaces for many festivals and organizations due to the pandemic, the Hand Eye Society developed FEST to hold successful interactive online festivals for the arts community. Hand Eye Society’s use of FEST has been a trailblazing innovation in the development of online events.

FEST has been used for 10 online festivals since its inception and was first offered as a solution for Broken Pencil’s Virtual Canzine 2020, an online festival developed in partnership with Hand Eye Society. Since then, it has been used for the Hand Eye Society’s Wordplay, Comics X Games, and Super FESTival events, the 2021 Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF), and Long Winter 2021. FEST allows for a safe and engaging online festival experience that can be seen by attendants all around the world and boasts a variety of features, including sales, embedded content, streaming support, interactive games, and live networking. FEST has been responsible for promoting hundreds of games and artists and over $150,000 in exhibitor sales across events.

The Hand Eye Society uses the platform to custom make If you are interested in having Hand Eye Society develop an online FESTival for you, please contact us at info@handeyesociety.com

You can find playable examples of some of our FESTivals below. Please note that the archived versions of these events may not work as they were intended live.

Super FESTival 2024

Super FESTival 2023

Super FESTival 2022

WordPlay 2021

Long Winter 2021

TCAF 2021 + CanZine 2021 + Comics X Games