Super FESTival starts Monday, November 25th!
Super FESTival starts November 25th!
We are less than TWO WEEKS away from the start of Super FESTival, Hand Eye Society’s hybrid-videogame festival! Hand Eye is thrilled to announce some amazing free opportunities for you to get involved! This year’s festival will include live-streamed panels and workshops, which you can access on our festival website and Twitch starting November 25th, In-person panels, Arcade games and of course, the Ball!
EXPLORE Toronto through games!
Yes the Torontron retro arcade machines are back! The Torontrons are placed throughout Toronto in accessible community spaces available from November 25 – December 1st. Torontrons can be found from Douvercourt to Scarborough! All games are local and free. Click on the map to see if there is a Torontron near you.
Find these games at the following locations
- Scarborough Spots (70 Eglinton Square, Eglinton Square Mall, Unit #55)
Julia Minamata’s The Crimson Diamond (Scarborough, ON) and a selection of festival games featuring BV Taisei’s Angels of Battle (Markham, ON). Two cabinets! - InterAccess (950 Dupont St, Unit 1)
Forbidden Saucery’s ∆ (Tokyo, JP) - The City Pool (1307 Dundas St W)
Might Yell’s Rad Skater (Toronto, ON) Sunday preview only!
Heart Street’s Out for Delivery (LA, US) - Bartop @ Farside (600 Gerrard St E)
Mighty Yell’s Rad Skater (Toronto, ON), Devon Wiersma’s Centauri Dark (Toronto, ON), SPARSE//GameDev’s PRAXIS FIGHTER X (Ottawa, ON)Lumidyne’s Lumidyne (Mississauga, ON), Pocket Moon Games’ WORMHOLE (Toronto, ON), Ghosts’ Phantom Spark (Reykjavik, IS), Niebla Games’ Hawk and Puma (Valparaíso, CL)
The Ball is More than half sold!
The Hand Eye Society’s annual fancy video game ball is back! If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet you better act fast as less than 50 tickets remain.
This year we are excited to provide you with a selection of games from:
- Site-specific interactive theatre by Lockwood Immersive (Toronto, ON)
- Retro dance vibes by Mighty Yell (Toronto, ON)
- like camping by Seb Pines (Toronto, ON)
- Infinitag Capsule by Matthew El-Jamal (Ottawa, ON)
- TrashCan Dream by Wenxiao Ding (New York City, US)
- JFMSU by JFMSU Team (Toronto, ON)
- DepowerBall by Mega Power Games (Toronto, ON)
- Torontron bartops featuring the games listed above and more!
Members get 25% off tickets. For questions or support message info@handeyesociety.com
HES Ball Tickets: https://bit.ly/hes-ball2024
This year at the fancy videogame Ball we are excited to be holding a raffle! We have amazing prizes from Mighty Yell, YUME Arcade, Stormcrow Manor, Comedy Bar, the AGO and MORE! Tickets will be sold for $10, $20 and $30 with prizes valued at over $800! You don’t want to miss out!
Sneak peek!
Simply can’t wait for all the fun? Join us on Sunday November 24th after 5PM at The City Pool (1307 Dundas St W) for an exclusive preview of the festival featuring the alt-control game Rude Dew by Chicago’s Night City! Plus play Might Yell’s Rad Skater from their game The Big Con on a real arcade cabinet (our High Roller to be exact). Play some pool, get a bite to eat, say hi to some pals, and get your week started right.
See you there!
We want to thank all our sponsors for making this event event possible! 🧡