
The Hand Eye Society is a Toronto not-for-profit dedicated to supporting and showcasing videogames made primarily as a form of creative expression. We aim to provide exhibition opportunities, education, creative support, mentorship, knowledge sharing and inspiration to artists, enthusiasts, and the game-curious in Toronto.

Founded in 2009, it is one of the first videogame arts organizations of its kind in the world.

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Press Inquiries

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Leadership Team

Victoria Kucher
Executive Director

Brendan Lehman
Artistic Director

Jordan Sparks
Technology Director and Workshop Coordinator

Felicia Daisy
Operations Manager

Cassandra Matchett
Communications Intern

Our Board

Yifat Shaik

Board Chair

Maxwell Neely-Cohen


Julien Balbontin

Neilson Koerner-Safrata, Treasurer

Nick Fox-Gieg

Ellen Reade

Former Board Members
  • Emma Westecott
  • Jim McGinley
  • Craig D. Adams
  • Jon Mak
  • Raigan Burns
  • Mark Rabo
  • Mare Sheppard
  • Jim Munroe
  • Alex Hayter
  • Stephanie Fisher
  • Daniele Hopkins
  • Sagan Yee
  • Emma Scratch
  • Miguel Sternberg
  • Alex Jansen
  • Sarah Grimes
  • Cindy Poremba
  • Shaun Hatton
  • Chris Gehman
  • Adam Axbey

Our Funders

Safer Spaces Policy

Our events take place at a variety of different venues and spaces, and are often free and open to all members of the public. As such, the Hand Eye Society is dedicated to providing an inclusive environment in which all participants of our events may feel comfortable and free from harassment. Whether in a bar, a library, an art gallery or a pop­up arcade in a parking lot, everyone deserves to have fun and feel safe!

What is harassment?
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments or attitudes related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, ethnicity, or socioeconomic standing; deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of the event, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately.

The Hand Eye Society team does not view ignorance, intoxication, or attempts at humour as an excuse for unacceptable behaviour. If you have any questions about what constitutes harassment or need any clarifications as to the definitions listed above, please contact ​safe@handeyesociety.com.

Who is covered by this policy?
This policy extends to all members and non­-members of the Hand Eye Society who are attending the event in question. Harassment of event participants, staff or volunteers at the event will not be tolerated, and anyone violating this policy at our events may be be expelled without refund. The Hand Eye Society also accepts that we are not above our own policies, so please know all of the above applies to all Hand Eye Society staff and volunteers in equal measure. Furthermore if there are ever any aspects of our events including our communication, artwork, game selection or event partners which you feel is offensive or makes you uncomfortable, please inform us.

Who can I contact if I want to make a report?
If you feel you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a Safer Spaces Officer at the event immediately. Officers will be wearing ​some kind of visibly prominent button, clothing or lanyard, specified by the event​ communications, so you can identify them in a crowd. The team will be happy to assist you in confidence (see What happens if I make a report?​ below).

What happens if I make a report?
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the event organizers will take action with the full consent and input of the person making the report. Possible actions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Warning the offender
  • Expulsion of offender from the event (with no refund)
  • Contacting venue security or local law enforcement
  • Providing escorts

Any other assistance required to help you feel safe for the duration of the event. All action will be handled in confidence, without publicly naming the person who made the request.

Whilst we would like to feel that we offer an environment in which you can voice concerns about incidents as and when they happen, we also welcome you to reach out to us to inform us of past harassment or incidents related to our events which made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

How do I report an incident anonymously or get in touch with the HES Safety team?
You can reach us at ​safe@handeyesociety.com​ ​or via ​this anonymous online form​. Emails will be read by the executive director and the event coordinator and responded to in a timely manner if contact info is provided. All communication related to this policy will be dealt with in confidence. No action will take place as the result of a report, without the full consent and input of the person making the report.

This policy was adapted from a policy template provided by Geek Feminism, available here​. Additional text and inspiration borrowed from the Venus Patrol/Wild Rumpus, Torontaru, and Bento Miso/Dames Making Games Codes of Conduct, as well as the Mount Royal Game Society.