April’s Hang In There Newsletter

Hey everyone! I hope you’ve all been doing well! Times are hard and there are a lot of things happening out there in the world, but we have to do our best to stay positive and do our best with staying indoors when possible, washing our hands and, well, I think you all know the drill.

There’s not much things going on in Toronto with local events obviously…BUT there are quite a few online events and initiatives going on within the city that you can join to make games, make friends as well as applying for personal funding.

Please forgive the bare bones calendar! I’m sure when things get better we’ll have more events in city venues again!

In the meantime, stay safe and don’t touch your face without washing your hands. 👏🏾🧼

This newsletter is more of an info dump, so please feel free to share, check out, or attend these virtual events!

Note: Events may be cancelled, or change form.

Don’t forget, there’s Google Calendar, in which you can check out all of the events here in one handy, downloadable place!

You can also submit news about Toronto/GTA games and events to calendar@handeyesociety.com at any time before the month in which the event takes place (preferably with a week to spare), post to our Facebook Group (as long as it’s relevant to local games/playful media and doesn’t violate our Code of Conduct), or @ us on Twitter for a RT.

Where to Jaunt & Haunt

April 7

DMG’s Organizing Committee Meeting.

April 15

Game Workers Unite’s Monthly General Meeting.

April 17

Image Festival‘s live stream with Canadian spotlight, Skawennati.

April 29

DMG’s Game Writer’s Circle + Social.




Indiepocalypse is a monthly indie game (physical or digital) anthology that collects together games by developers and pays them! Upon acceptance and in royalties! There are no requirements for entries based on theme, genre, age of game, etc. and I claim no ownership or exclusivity of your work. So submit whatever you want.

Each issue also comes with a short PDF zine with a page for (and made by) each developer. In an attempt cross-pollinate games folks with other artists, each issue will have a cover made by someone outside of, or tangentially related to, the world of games. Below is the first cover. Submit!





I am looking for people that have experience actually building games that want to make a difference. We have something small out right now but I want to create an actual game we continue to get actual market feedback. We’re looking for someone proficient in game development, python, java, front end and back end uI UX development. I do not have any prior work but this is something meaningful to me that I really think we can make work. – Colby Sharma


Want top notch (and cost effective) original music and sound design for your Game or Animation? I´d love to help! Check me out! — Thiago Gobet

Where’s my French at? Are you a game developer whose game is about to launch and for which you want to do a multilingual release?
Are you now thinking of localizing to increase your market and revenue, now that your game has shipped?
Are you still in development, and feeling stuck because the grant you are applying for requires you to offer a French version?
I’d love to help! Hit me up! —
Benoît Esmein

Hi, I’m Marcus Mowat, music producer at Point Nine Records and I’m looking to help fellow gamers/designers out by writing songs and providing audio ingenuity geared specifically for video games.

Ubisoft has jobs for ya!

Hey you, Bunch is looking for a 2D Artist!

Rockstar Games has WORK.

Get Set has a few jobs for ya! Check em!

Uken has tons of JERBS!


Disclaimer: This is a monthly compilation of various Toronto game news and events in and around the city — many of which are not organized by Hand Eye Society — and is by no means comprehensive. Always check official links for accurate details and credits, and please send any corrections, additions, or submissions for future months to calendar@handeyesociety.com before the month in which the event takes place.