Loaded with amazing local indie games, Torontrons are classic-style arcade machines that spread Toronto’s rich games culture across the city. Inspired by the MAME cabinet, the first Torontron was released in 2009. Since then, several Torontrons have been produced to grace the halls of many venues all-around Toronto.
The Torontron has left a lasting mark on the global games community. It was It was cited as inspiration for the Winnitron, released in Winnipeg about a year later, which in turn went on to spawn an international arcade network. There now are active indie arcade cabs in the Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, Italy, New York, Australia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Shanghai, Austin, and Oakland. If you know of other active cabinets please drop us a line!
There’s a world map of the Spread of the Indie Arcade Cabinet.
The Torontron cabinets were engineered by Jph Wacheski (who has written a how-to), and the current deployment officer is Adam Axbey.
The project is produced by Jim Munroe.