The Games and People of Artsy Games Incubator: Animation Edition
The Artsy Games Incubator: Animation Edition was a 6-week game making workshop for animators that we ran a few months back.
Check out the video about it that includes gameplay footage of the games that the participants made as well as shots of their TAAFI panel.
Then download their games and play them yourself!
The next Artsy Games Incubator is for writers and will be starting very soon. If you’re not already, make sure you’re subscribed to the Hand Eye email updates for info on how to apply.
CrumbQuest (Lilja Hlín Pétursdóttir)
Download (30.8m, cross platform .swf)
Keys (Debbie Yu)
Download (4.7m, Windows .exe)
Dream Warrior (Paloma Dawkins)
Download (37.5m, Windows .exe)
Wizards of Trinity Bellwoods (Christopher de Castro)
Download (7.6m, Windows .exe)
Futility (Mike McDonnell)
Download (7.2m, cross platform .swf)
Thanks much to the mentors, our partners, the instructors and the participants themselves for sharing the betas of their games.